Download LedEdit 2014 2016 2017 2018 Software
Here are the set of LedEdit software which is used to program Pixel LED controllers.
Please check out these tutorials before you proceed ...
Please check out these tutorials before you proceed ...
- LED Edit Version Tutorials -
- LED Edit - K Version Tutorials -
- Other Related Links -
LedEdit software |
If you are downloading "LedEdit-K" software old versions ,Please change the system date of your computer every time you runs it , As bellow or download the new 2018 version from below links which you can use until May/2019 without running in to any problem .
For LedEdit-K 2016 - Change the system date between 2016/Jan - 2017/May
For LedEdit-K 2017 - Change the system date between 2017/Jan - 2018/May
LED Edit Download Links
LED Edit Versions
LED Edit 2018 password window |
Startup of the LedEdit 2018 will ask for a password just click "Ok" you don't need a password