Pixel LED Edit - K led layout design Tutorial

Pixel LED Edit - K led layout design Tutorial
Pixel LED Edit - K led layout design Tutorial 
Before looking in to this tutorial please visit my first "LED Edit-K" version tutorial 
If you didn't downloaded your LED Software
In my previous tutorial I have discussed how to use "led edit" software's manual layout creator to design LED layouts for your needs. In this lesson I'm going to discuss how to do the same thing in "LED Edit-K" versions. As I mention in my previous tutorial you can manually design LED layout by laying one led by one led ,But this is a waste of time .I'm Going to use the same method used in that article (BMP method) to create the LED layout.

Video Tutorial

Creating The BMP Reference

First follow the steps under the sub heading "Creating Frame Shaped LED Layout"In my [LED Edit Manual layout Tutorial].Follow the steps 1 to 10 in that article in order to create out "BMP" file in Photoshop software.I'm going to continue form there .
Run your "LED Edit -K" software .

Starting a New Project

 01  Click on "File" and choose New" to create an new project .This will show up the new project window .Select the controller that you about to use from the "Controller Type" list and type the maximum number of LEDs you about to use per port in the "Max number lights of port" field.Please refer to "Starting a new project" section in my first " LED Edit - K"  tutorial [Click Here] for more information.  02  Click on "Browse" button and select a location to save the project and click "OK".Click "OK" again in the "New Project" window.

Importing the BMP layout

Port selection
Port selection
First of all select the port that you want the LED's connected to from the left hand side list

 01  Click on "Settings" in the top main bar and select "Import BMP reference point" .This will open up the "Open" window .Browse an select the .BMP file you created and click on "Open" button.
BMP layout
BMP layout
 02  Click anywhere in the work space to place the layout.you will see your layout  in pink color ,each square represent one LED reference point.

Connecting LED 

 01  Now we need to connect the led's together in series .first we need to plan the wiring to minimize the wire distance between LEDS .Here is my plan .
LED Wiring Plan
LED Wiring Plan
 03  We can use "connect" tool to wire leds one by one .But it's a waste of time .I'm going to use "Auto connect" tool to connect leds inside sections .Click on "Auto connect" tool from the left side menu.
Auto connect tool
Auto connect tool 
 04  Click and hold while dragging the cursor covering the leds in the whole "Section 01" and release the mouse . Mode selection window will appear ,Select the mode that you wants to connect the leds. I'm going to use different methods for different sections to connect leds in such a way each end of connection in one section will be next to the start of the other section thus making it easy to connect .
Selecting the sections
Selecting the sections
Here is how i selected different sections and chosen methods for wiring .
Selection and wiring methods
Selection and wiring methods 
Connected leds
Connected leds

Note that each section connected to each other automatically and now connected leds are yellow .If your selection went wrong use undo button to undo your action (Ctrl+Z doesn't works on LED Edit)
Undo Redo buttons
Undo Redo buttons

 05  Now we are done connecting it's time to program it .Please go to and continue from "Recording a Video or an Animation" section in my first " LED Edit - K" tutorial [Click Here] .To start program the LED layout that you have created .
Final Outcome
Final Outcome

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favicon Learner said...

In LEDEDIT-K V5.1 GUI is slightly different from the above shown tutorial(instead of tools it shows "edit layout" above the ports) after importing BMP reference point frame is displayed but there is no option for connecting LEDS. When clicked EDIT LAYOUT new blank window is getting opened. in this window i tried to import BMP reference from settings tab but no layout is displayed. Need help

favicon learnitstepbystep said...

Yes ..This is a old tutorial ..I will update this tutorial with a video tutorial asap ..Thanks for the feedback !

favicon learnitstepbystep said...

Please checkout the Tutorial again .The tutorial has been updated . Check the video tutorial ..

Thank You !

favicon Rex said...

I’m a newbie and wants to make a led Christmas tree. I am thinking of having 48 strings of Ws2811. Can you suggest how many t1000 controller we need and how to program the SD card? Appreciate the help.